Georgetown 'Read'

I recently wrote my monthly message on the importance of life long learning through professional development and career growth.  Taking part in an educational experience can be the most rewarding gift we can give ourselves (and by role modeling life-long learning, we influence the ones we love to also be learners throughout their life).

So, the timing of the 'Read' posters coming out at the Georgetown University Medical Center library could not have been better!  Each year, the library unveils several new posters of Georgetown professors with their favorite book encouraging everyone to read.  I was fortunate to be asked to take part in this initiative this year.  I decided to highlight a new textbook on echocardiography.  That does not sound very exciting but it is meaningful for me - this is a comprehensive textbook (with an online textbook version that includes slide sets and case study videos) that is written by leaders across the globe from the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) and published on behalf of the Society (more info at: ).  This textbook came out while I was president of ASE and has rapidly gained acceptance as the leading textbook in the field.  I am proud to be part of the vision and implementation to see this textbook set a new direction where professional societies are leading the way on commissioning important pieces of work such as this.    


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